Saturday, November 29, 2014

I rode a new bus this evening

On my way home from stuff I was doing in Boston, I picked up bus #1412 on the 108 at Wellington. This is one of the new buses the MBTA has recently ordered and usually are on the 111. There are mixed opinions of these buses. Some drivers don't like them too much. I thought the seat layout was quite interesting. There are three single seats on the left. According to, that's to make room for baby strollers. Also, in the back, there are two sets of forward facing seats right in front of the back seats (one on each side). There actually are 3 less seats on these buses than the others but this isn't exactly noticeable. In my opinion the ride was actually not so bad, considering it wasn't very crowded this time, partially due to the 106 that left Wellington right before us getting to Malden Station first and picking up most of the people there first (I presume). Seeing I don't ride the 111 due to its crowds anyway I would at least see these buses being a little more efficient in handling those crowds due to the extra space in the front section. Also helps the situation where a stroller has to move out of the very front spot for a wheelchair. Of course, strollers during rush hour is a different discussion all together that I won't get into here. I'd say these buses are ok. The only thing is, don't do anything stupid or, most importantly, illegal on these buses. They have the cameras that the Transit Police can actively log into and view. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. Had a great thanksgiving and Thanksgiving weekend hope you did too!!!
